As the lead consultant for all site work, SSA designed all elements of this site including parking, habitat restoration, sports field and hard courts, amphitheater seating 650, library court and school plaza, as well as all related landscaping. Our responsibilities included the coordination of all subconsultants including civil, structural, and lighting engineers, in addition to working with and seeking approval from all agencies involved including the Coastal Commission, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Fish & Game, County Planning Department, and Redevelopment Agency of Santa Cruz County.
Our goal for this project was to integrate the education of environment and habitat into the design of this unique site, located adjacent to the sensitive riparian and tidal marsh habitats of Rodeo Gulch and Schwann Lagoon. Our work included:
Upland riparian restoration and mitigation
Life lab design
650 seat outdoor amphitheater with indoor/outdoor stage
Grading design