Antonelli Pond

SSA Landscape Architects worked with Land Trust of Santa Cruz County to design an accessible trail on both sides of Antonelli Pond in Santa Cruz, CA in compliance with California State Park accessibility guidelines. This project builds upon an existing trail system and creates a .4 mile, fully accessible surface using pervious concrete and GraniteCrete paving materials, fitting of the natural environment at Antonelli Pond. Deconstruction of an existing non-compliant dock structure and riparian mitigation efforts were included in the project, pursuant to issuance of a watercourse development permit from the City of Santa Cruz, a report of Waste Discharge for the Regional Water Quality Control Boards (RWQCB), and a Streambed Alteration Agreement with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). SSA worked closely with the Land Trust and Biotic Resource Group to keep design elements above the mean high water line while limiting disturbance to the existing riparian community. Funding for design and partial funding for construction was made available through grants from the California State Coastal Conservancy. The project was completed in late Fall 2023.