Heart of Soquel Showcased on Low Impact Development Tour
SSA was honored to be invited to present the Heart of Soquel project to agencies and professionals on a recent tour of five stormwater projects throughout the County of Santa Cruz. The Heart of Soquel project incorporated numerous Low Impact Development strategies and Best Management Practices including rain gardens, permeable concrete, pervious pavers, bio-detention basins, as well as vegetated islands to filter parking lot runoff. The Tour was sponsored by the Resource Conservation District; California Water Boards; City of Santa Cruz; County of Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz County Parks; and the Scotts Valley Water District. The tour included local case studies, dry well installations, pervious concrete installations, pervious paver installations, infiltration chambers for recharge, using LID in mixed use developments, and bioretention and vegetated treatment systems. The County of Santa Cruz Resource Conservation District now utilizes this project as a demonstration site to teach sustainable practices.