CSUMB Roundabouts Receives APWA 2017 Award of Merit
January 16, 2018 - We're proud to announce that our CSU Monterey Bay Traffic Roundabouts project with Mesiti-Miller Engineering has been awarded the APWA 2017 Project of the Year Award of Merit!
The American Public Works Association's Project of the Year Awards Program was established to promote excellence in the management and administration of public works projects by recognizing the alliance between the managing agency, the consultant/architect/engineer, and the contractor who constructs the public works project.
For this project SSA provided design services, construction documentation, cost estimating and construction observation for the planting and irrigation elements of the project.
Landscape areas were designed to resemble the native setting and require little maintenance. Eight bioswale drainage gardens were added along the roadside to treat strom water before it enters the underground system and plant material was designed to be irrigation free within two years time.